Today's host: Jennifer Slattery
I love how immensely different yet equally excellent excerpts can stand together neck-and-neck. I'm so glad the results of this clash weren't up to me because I would have had a very difficult time choosing a favorite from this clash. I love the intensity of Shellie Neumeier's, Driven, and Julie Carobini sold me on her novel, Fade to Blue, the minute she mentioned its setting. I'm thinking those ladies need to collaborate--a speculative fiction, spiritual warfare novel set in Hearst Castle. Now that'd be quite the story!
And now, without further delay...
Green eggs and ham.
Oops, sorry. Wrong story. Wrong day. Wrong decade.
Our next literary champion is....
(Hold your breath.) Think you know? I'll give you two guesses.

The winner is...Shellie Neumeier with her teen novel, Driven. (Thunderous applaus, a few hoots and a rather obnoxious, "Go girl!")
A bit about Driven:
Robyn can’t help but notice the handsome new guy at her school. She ignores, however, the arrival of another being at Brookfield Central High School—a demon assigned to destroy her…
Robyn loves her friends, enjoys her youth group, and looks forward to meeting cute Caleb Montague. But when a caustic news reporter challenges her school’s prayer team, Robyn must choose: defend their right to meet on campus and pray for whomever they wish or back down at the principal’s request.
Now she must learn what God wants her to do. And she had better learn fast, because there’s a supernatural enemy in town whose sole mission is to stop her—no matter the cost.
What Shellie had to say about her experience at Clash:
"I had a wonderful time. Such sweet readers with great questions. My favorite part was answering the ones about whether or not I scared myself:D. It made me realize how much closer writing that MS brought be to God. Boy did I pray for those dark scenes. It was a good reminder to keep that dependence even now. Especially now!"
Here's what our readers had to say:
"Good work . The books you write help us go to a different place in our lives."
"Both blurbs are very appealing. I have to say that if I was a teenager I would be more attracted to "A", but because I'm older and love anything to do with art "B" is my choice. Very Close!"
"I'm wanting to know just how big a role this demon plays in the story. I've always been fascinated by books that give glimpses into the spiritual realm. (i.e. Frank Peretti, Randy Alcorn")
"Super hard to choose between these two. Both were excellent."
"OK, I had to wait for the VERY LAST DAY to vote because it was too hard! Both BCB's are excellent."
Visit Shellie Neumeier's website to find out more about her and her writing. Then visit Amazon to get a copy of Driven.
And now for our lucky book winners...
J4fortner, you won Shellie Neumeier's Driven.
And theh winner of Julie Carobini's Fade to Blue is...CluedN.
Before you traipse off to Amazone to purchase both novels, hop on our to the Clash of the Titles Book Club to join our fun discussion on Karen Witemeyer's A Tailor-Made Bride. (In July, we'll dive into Elleanor Gustafson's novel, Then, The Stones.) After joining our literary cyber-jam, make sure to visit our survey to vote for the next book. And to all our blogging friends, if you'd like to join the clott Blog Alliance family, shoot us an email at contactcott(at)gmail(dot)com and we'll get you hooked up! (You'll get great content, increased exposure and you might even win a free book!)
I love how immensely different yet equally excellent excerpts can stand together neck-and-neck. I'm so glad the results of this clash weren't up to me because I would have had a very difficult time choosing a favorite from this clash. I love the intensity of Shellie Neumeier's, Driven, and Julie Carobini sold me on her novel, Fade to Blue, the minute she mentioned its setting. I'm thinking those ladies need to collaborate--a speculative fiction, spiritual warfare novel set in Hearst Castle. Now that'd be quite the story!
And now, without further delay...
Green eggs and ham.
Oops, sorry. Wrong story. Wrong day. Wrong decade.
Our next literary champion is....
(Hold your breath.) Think you know? I'll give you two guesses.

The winner is...Shellie Neumeier with her teen novel, Driven. (Thunderous applaus, a few hoots and a rather obnoxious, "Go girl!")
A bit about Driven:
Robyn can’t help but notice the handsome new guy at her school. She ignores, however, the arrival of another being at Brookfield Central High School—a demon assigned to destroy her…
Robyn loves her friends, enjoys her youth group, and looks forward to meeting cute Caleb Montague. But when a caustic news reporter challenges her school’s prayer team, Robyn must choose: defend their right to meet on campus and pray for whomever they wish or back down at the principal’s request.
Now she must learn what God wants her to do. And she had better learn fast, because there’s a supernatural enemy in town whose sole mission is to stop her—no matter the cost.
What Shellie had to say about her experience at Clash:
"I had a wonderful time. Such sweet readers with great questions. My favorite part was answering the ones about whether or not I scared myself:D. It made me realize how much closer writing that MS brought be to God. Boy did I pray for those dark scenes. It was a good reminder to keep that dependence even now. Especially now!"
Here's what our readers had to say:
"Good work . The books you write help us go to a different place in our lives."
"Both blurbs are very appealing. I have to say that if I was a teenager I would be more attracted to "A", but because I'm older and love anything to do with art "B" is my choice. Very Close!"
"I'm wanting to know just how big a role this demon plays in the story. I've always been fascinated by books that give glimpses into the spiritual realm. (i.e. Frank Peretti, Randy Alcorn")
"Super hard to choose between these two. Both were excellent."
"OK, I had to wait for the VERY LAST DAY to vote because it was too hard! Both BCB's are excellent."

Visit Shellie Neumeier's website to find out more about her and her writing. Then visit Amazon to get a copy of Driven.
And now for our lucky book winners...
J4fortner, you won Shellie Neumeier's Driven.
And theh winner of Julie Carobini's Fade to Blue is...CluedN.
Before you traipse off to Amazone to purchase both novels, hop on our to the Clash of the Titles Book Club to join our fun discussion on Karen Witemeyer's A Tailor-Made Bride. (In July, we'll dive into Elleanor Gustafson's novel, Then, The Stones.) After joining our literary cyber-jam, make sure to visit our survey to vote for the next book. And to all our blogging friends, if you'd like to join the clott Blog Alliance family, shoot us an email at contactcott(at)gmail(dot)com and we'll get you hooked up! (You'll get great content, increased exposure and you might even win a free book!)