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09 December 2011

Clash of the Historic Covers Champion Revealed!

Thank you to Cathy, Erica, Lacy, and Maggie, for sharing their covers and playing along on this Clash of the Titles Cover Clash. My thanks also to Cheryl Rogers and Delia Latham who graciously answered my questions about how she designs covers. ~ Lisa

We had some great discussion during this clash. And it was a VERY CLOSE race...all the way to the end when we reached the limit of votes allowed on the survey.

Some of the comments included:

I love the image of the heroine with a camera on "A Bride's Portrait of Dodge City, Kansas." She looks intelligent and intense. Plus, the depiction of the scene is perfect for Dodge City!

Loved all of them!

Spring for Susannah - Susannah is aware of the man but she looks as though she could turn away, or turn towards him.

Beautiful cover for Deeply Devoted! They are all really pretty!

Marrying Miss Marshall seems to speak volumes about the heroine--just in her position.

The cover of A Brides Portrait, really sells the title by having the woman with a camera on it. Caught my attention.

I love cover C...looks like the "old west"!!!

Marrying Miss Marshal. Hmm, with that rifle laid across her lap, one wonders who's daring enough to approach her, much less marry her. Intriguing.

They are all too beautiful! How can you pick just one?

I loved A Bride's Portrait of Dodge City - it added so many components of the story into the cover besides just a profile :)

All are lovely, but Cover B is just SOOO beautiful -- must be the lavender/purple shades.

Love this (A) - it's intriguing. I'm not sure from the picture whether she's toting for justice, revenge, or protection. Makes me curious.

"Spring for Susannah" has a truly beautiful cover. The purples in the sky, the flowers ... it looks like Spring on the Plains.

It was a hard choice, between A and C, love photography but like the older christian historical better, and that seems to grab my interest.

Love the cover model's (B) costume.

The cover sets the atmosphere---a romance with a take-charge young woman. Indicates a bit of humor as well. (A)

Like colors, composition, and who is that mysterious man in the background? (B)

And now, the Champion Book that was voted

Springtime For Susanna, by Catherine Richmond

And in a drawing, needahugfromadog -at- yahoo, won a copy of Springtime for Susanna.
Congratulations! You've been contacted. And you made me smile with your address.

Thank you again, everyone!

Please come on MONDAY for a new Clash of the Titles for 2011 begins.

It’s holiday/winter-time, and your host is Gail Pallotta.

We’ll be taking a break December 26 – January 6
And then come right back on January 9 with a new clash that will – literally – take your breath away! Don’t forget to check upcoming open clashes and submit.                        
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Item Reviewed: Clash of the Historic Covers Champion Revealed! Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Lisa Lickel