A Melody For James
Hallee Bridgeman
Congratulations, Hallee!
Special thanks to her competitors for their participation:
Carla Laureano
Michelle Griep
Cindy Thomson
Miralee Ferrell
About A Melody For James:
Melody Mason has the hottest female voice in the country music scene. But the cheers of throngs of adoring fans mean little in the absence of the handsome stranger who rescued her years before. Widower James Montgomery has never forgotten her. He prays God can bring her back.
Incredible events finally bring them face to face again. Together at last, they realize the bond between them has miraculously risen to a crescendo, melodiously marrying them like strong symphonic chords. Uncannily, they learn they share more in common than they could have ever imagined. They know God reunited them for a purpose.
Sinister forces threaten to destroy their new found happiness. The couple must work in close concert, placing all their faith in God as they solve the deadly mystery that ties their lives inexplicably together.
Fire, loss, and bloodshed cannot shake their faith in God to see them through as they face a percussive climax that leaves hearts and lives forever changed.
About the author:
Hallee Bridgeman lives with her husband and their three children in small town Kentucky. When she's not writing Christian romance novels, she blogs about all things cooking and homemaking at Hallee the Homemaker (http://www.halleethehomemaker.com).

Join Hallee's Street Team -- Hallee's Allies -- find all of the information here: http://www.bridgemanfamily.com/hallee/i-want-you-to-join-hallees-allies/
Hallee loves coffee, campy action movies, and regular date nights with her husband. Above all else, she loves God with all of her heart, soul, mind, and strength; has been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ; and relies on the presence of the Holy Spirit. She prays her books are a blessing to you and would love to hear back from you. You can reach Hallee at hallee@bridgemanfamily.com
What people are saying:
This book has affected me on so many levels. I am so moved by it that I don't know where to begin this review. Me, who is usually never stuck for words! To say I'm stunned is an understatement. Friends, brothers and sisters, I never say I'm stunned by a book. Never. But I'm saying it now.
This is as taut a thriller as ever I've read. It's hard hitting and doesn't flinch from the bad stuff. Like any contemporary thriller, it's full of surprises. Explosions, bombs, bullets, missed connections, it's all there. What's not there is explicit sexual description and what is definitely not there is profanity. What a refreshing change! Hallee Bridgeman has gone and proved that you don't have to write dirty to get people's attention. That a book can thrum with sexual tension without a bed in sight. That actual evil and hatred can manifest itself on the printed page without a single swear word. And I truly believe, as a person who believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that God raised him from the dead, that this can only be accomplished by the power and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Hallelluia!
I praise and thank God for the gift of Hallee Bridgeman to readers, for her awesome talent and generosity of spirit in sharing this wonderful story. The Spirit of God is definitely present here and the Word of God and it's vibrant power is continuously present.
The plot, James and Melody's story, how they meet at a juncture of their lives and fall in love, to be reunited again several years later, is compulsive and will please readers of romance. The intrigue regarding the enemies who surround them will please the readers of thrillers. How this couple walk in the Valley of the Shadow of Death, fearing no evil will please spirit filled Christian believers. It is so true - if you live in the Word of God and the Word in you, no weapon formed against you shall prosper and ever tongue which rises against you shall be condemned.
Heavenly Father, I pray this wonderful novel will be read far and wide and help increase the faith of believers everywhere and bring faith to people who don't know the Lord. In Jesus' Name, Amen!
~From Contemporary Romance Reviews (http://rbh-contemporary.blogspot.com/2013/06/a-melody-for-james-by-hallee-bridgeman.html)
Click here to see the author discuss the book herself!! http://youtu.be/np3EQK3VFh4
Thank you all so much. This has been a tremendous clash! Join us again for our July New Releases, coming soon! :)