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01 May 2014

Going for Gold with "Red Gold"

Red Gold
winner of Clash of the Titles's April Clash!

What COTT voters had to say about this month's winner:
"Reading Red Gold by Sandy Nadeau gave me a much needed 'vacation'! The faith story was heart-filling...and the adventure carried me to the mountains. 
Thanks, Sandy, for sharing your talent with the rest of us!"
"Not only does Sandy Nadeau and Red Gold have a great cover, the story is realistic, inspiring and a fun thrill ride in Colorado."
Red Gold
by Sandy Nadeau
~COTT's April Champ~

"Sandy Nadeau's work was a very fun read with good moral value!"
"A shout-out to Sandy Nadeau, author of Red Gold! I have an autographed copy, 
and couldn't be more delighted for your success!!"
"Red Gold sounds like a book that will keep readers turning the pages!"
"Keep writing, Sandy Nedeau! I'm in the middle of Red Gold now and love it! Blessings!"

About Red Gold:
Mandy Phillips loves life with her husband running an adventure ranch in the Colorado mountains, but when Mr. Shonee, their crotchety old neighbor, tries to stop them from building a kid-size old west town their dreams of expansion are crushed. Is Shonee just being a difficult neighbor, or is something more sinister going on? A discovery on the property of Colorado's state mineral leads to more mysteries for the ranch, and then a teenage guest finds herself thrust head first into danger. Mandy will have to rescue her, but who will rescue Mandy? Her faith in God is her only source to keep the guests safe, solve the mysteries surrounding her ranch, save her neighbor from himself, and discover the secrets of the Red Gold.


About Sandy:
Sandy Nadeau loves to go on adventures, photograph them and equally loves to write about them. She and her husband do a lot of four-wheeling in the back country of Colorado and share those experiences with others by taking them up in the mountains. With a background in writing a column about her community for a
local newspaper, she also has had several magazine articles published. She loves to write novels about adventure, mystery, romance, but most importantly sharing God’s love. She is currently a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers and Vice President of the ACFW South Denver Chapter. Married for 37 years, she and her husband are loving life as grandparents to their nine month old grandson. Travel is their favorite thing to do and they don’t get to do it as often as they’d like. Adventure awaits around every corner, over every hill and mountain.

How Red Gold came about:
"This story developed out of a dream my husband and I shared of wanting to run a guest ranch as depicted in the book. We love the mountains of Colorado so much and have spent many days exploring the deep reaches of the state. We get a lot of out-of-town guests so we take them out on adventures with us. Our favorite thing to do is four-wheeling into the back country. We have ended up in a few places we never should have gone, at least not with the vehicle we drove. I wanted to share some of the adventures we have had through my book, the beauty, and the excitement of Colorado. My hubby actually came up with the title. It was so perfect for it."  ~Sandy Nadeau 

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Item Reviewed: Going for Gold with "Red Gold" Rating: 5 Reviewed By: April Gardner